C# – What kind of user info is ok to be stored as plain text in SQL Database


I'm practicing around building e-commerce asp.net applications that allows for users to register to the site and their user credentials are stored in a MySQL database. In my sample project the registration asks for the users username, password, full name, phone #, email, home address (for shipping of products purposes).

I know its good practice to store the user's password as a salted hash. But is there any other info that should be stored the same way or not? For example should the username also be stored as a salted hash or even encrypted?

I guess I'm just wondering what kinds of information is it ok to be stored in plain text in MySQL database for an asp.net web app? And which items are recommended to be stored in a salted hash? And which items should be stored using encryption?

Best Answer

Passwords must be stored hashed always, and make sure they are never logged, for example by query loggers. Hashing is important as opposed to encryption, because it should be a one-way, nonreversible process.

Secret questions to help recover passwords are good to encrypt. As these are secret, and they themselves can reveal something about the user, it wouldn't be good if they got leaked. In addition to revealing something personal about the user, they could also help attackers to make better guesses.

Answers to secret questions should be hashed, as these could be intimate secrets. It can be a good idea to hash a sanitized form, such as lowercased and trimmed, to make it easier for users to reenter correctly.

As for other fields, it's case by case, and depends on many factors. You really need to think through each and every one of them, and evaluate in terms of sensitivity, and decide which method is prudent, or overengineering, or paranoia.

Don't forget to secure the communication channel too. For example if the system is accessible via web, make sure it's https, otherwise your hashing and encrypting makes little difference to your overall security, as everything can be eavesdropped en route between your users and your website.


As @MichaelT pointed out in a comment, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) document seems to be a comprehensive document, and well worth reading if you're serious about securing your customer data. The documents library of PCI may have other interesting items too.

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