C# Design – When to Use Abstract Classes vs Interfaces with Extension Methods

abstract classcdesigninheritanceinterfaces

"Abstract class" and "interface" are similar concepts, with interface being the more abstract of the two. One differentiating factor is that abstract classes provide method implementations for derived classes when needed. In C#, however, this differentiating factor has been reduced by the recent introduction of extension methods, which enable implementations to be provided for interface methods. Another differentiating factor is that a class can inherit only one abstract class (i.e., there is no multiple inheritance), but it can implement multiple interfaces. This makes interfaces less restrictive and more flexible. So, in C#, when should we use abstract classes instead of interfaces with extension methods?

A notable example of the interface + extension method model is LINQ, where query functionality is provided for any type that implements IEnumerable via a multitude of extension methods.

Best Answer

When you need a part of the class to be implemented. The best example I've used is the template method pattern.

public abstract class SomethingDoer
    public void Do()

    protected abstract void DoThis();
    protected abstract void DoThat();

Thus, you can define the steps that will be taken when Do() is called, without knowing the specifics of how they will be implemented. Deriving classes must implement the abstract methods, but not the Do() method.

Extensions methods don't necessarily satisfy the "must be a part of the class" part of the equation. Additionally, iirc, extension methods cannot (appear to) be anything but public in scope.


The question is more interesting than I had originally given credit for. Upon further examination, Jon Skeet answered a question like this on SO in favour of using interfaces + extension methods. Also, a potential downside is using reflection against an object hierarchy designed in this way.

Personally, I am having trouble seeing the benefit of altering a currently common practice, but also see few to no downsides in doing it.

It should be noted that it is possible to program this way in many languages via Utility classes. Extensions just provide the syntactic sugar to make the methods look like they belong to the class.