C++ – Where to Place Typedef in Method Signatures


I'm using an Optional class quite similar to that of boost. For semantic reasons, I switched an attribute of the same (structured) type in some class definitions (and therefore also in method signatures) from mandatory to optional. So, in each related class header file, I included the header with the definition of Optional and also a typedef to ease typing (see CHANGE comments); the passages read like this:

#include <MyAttrType.h>
#include <Optional.h>                          // CHANGE
typedef Optional<MyAttrType> OptionalAttrType; // CHANGE

class MyClassX
// ...

Today I run Cppcheck 1.68 on the project and got this style warning:

The typedef 'OptionalAttrType' hides a typedef with the same name.

How can I get rid of theses style warnings without making something bad?


  • MyAttrType itself is currently independent from Optional (because defined early in the project history, while Optional was being last time)
  • I think of introducing a new header only for this purpose. But maybe there are better options?
  • I guess that it could generally be an indication of bad design, to have many classes with the same optional attribute, but I'm not sure in my special case. The code is currently changing to reach higher prioritized goals.
  • of course, MyAttrType, OptionalAttrType, and MyClassX aren't the actual names

Best Answer

I typically use one of the two ways.

  1. First way is to typedef at the place-of-first-declaration.
  2. Second way is to typedef at each place-of-use, and make it only visible to that place-of-use (by putting it inside the class or method that uses it).

(1) Put the typedef close to the type that is being wrapped.

/* MyAttrType.h */

#include <Optional.h>

// README : See Optional<MyAttrType> at the end of this header

struct MyAttrType
    // ....

// (put the typedef here)
typedef Optional<MyAttrType> OptionalMyAttrType;

/* ---------------------------- */
/* Every other C++ source files */
#include "MyAttrType.h"

// .... Any code can use OptionalMyAttrType there.

(2) Make the typedef visible only to each class that uses it.

/* MyAttrType.h */

namespace my_pod_types
    struct MyAttrType { /* ... */ };

// (nothing else outside.)

/* ---------------------------- */
/* Every other C++ source files */

#include "MyAttrType.h"
#include "Optional.h"

class MyClassX
    typedef Optional<my_pod_types::MyAttrType> OptionalMyAttrType;
    // ...
    OptionalMyAttrType m_optAttr;

Most of the time, the template relevant to me is either std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr. Furthermore, I will just decide that a class will either use one way or the other, and then typedef that smart pointer wrapper as "MyClassOnePtr". Draconian, but a library's main author is supposed to know what is the best for the library most of the time.

If it is not obvious which one of the two smart pointers should be preferred, then I will not put the typedef in the first header (so, I won't use option #1 unless the choice is obvious.)

Most of the time, you will realize that option #2 does not always shield the use of Optional<T> from the end-user. That is, the application logic may require users of MyClassX to deal with Optional<T> when interacting with it. When that happens, you can't hide it anymore. It is not an implementation detail; it is part of the visible surface.

Finally, you should be aware of the C++ limitation to forward-declare things. Namely, there are times where C++ needs to know up-front:

  • Size of the type being wrapped;
  • Existence of a default constructor and destructor;
  • And so on.

See this question on Stackoverflow (about unique::ptr) for examples of such limitations.

Another unrelated thing I would like to share, after reading ixrec's answer.

I started following a "nothing in the default namespace" policy after finding that you can't get Doxygen (a widely used C++ documentation to HTML generator) to generate well-organized documentation unless you categorize your classes by using namespaces. It seems it doesn't matter how you name those namespaces; as long as Doxygen sees them as distinct, and human users don't complain about it, any namespacing approach will be fine.

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