C++ String Classes – Why So Many in Addition to std::string?


It seems to me that many bigger C++ libraries end up creating their own string type. In the client code you either have to use the one from the library (QString, CString, fbstring etc., I'm sure anyone can name a few) or keep converting between the standard type and the one the library uses (which most of the time involves at least one copy).

So, is there a particular misfeature or something wrong about std::string (just like auto_ptr semantics were bad)? Has it changed in C++11?

Best Answer

Most of those bigger C++ libraries were started before std::string was standardized. Others include additional features that were standardized late, or still not standardized, such as support for UTF-8 and conversion between encodings.

If those libraries were implemented today, they would probably choose to write functions and iterators that operate on std::string instances.