C++ – Why Can’t You Take the Address of a Constructor?


Is there a specific reason that this would break the language conceptually or a specific reason that this is technically infeasible in some cases?

The usage would be with new operator.

Edit: I'm going to give up hope on getting my "new operator" and "operator new" straight and be direct.

The point of the question is: why are constructors special? Keep in mind of course that language specifications tell us what is legal, but not necessarily moral. What is legal is typically informed by what is logically consistent with the rest of the language, what is simple and concise, and what is feasible for compilers to implement. The possible rationale of the standards committee in weighing these factors are deliberate and interesting — hence the question.

Best Answer

Pointers-to-member functions make only sense if you have more than one member function with the same signature - otherwise there would be only one possible value for your pointer. But that is not possible for contructors, since in C++ different constructors of the same class must have different signatures.

The alternative for Stroustrup would have been to choose a syntax for C++ where constructors could have a name different from the class name - but that would have prevented some very elegant aspects of the existing ctor syntax and had made the language more complicated. For me that looks like a high price just to allow a seldom needed feature which can be easily simulated by "outsourcing" the initialization of an object from the ctor to a different init function (a normal member function for which pointer-to-members can be created).