Random – Can a Random Number Generator Produce Different Output with Identical Seeds?


The title sums it up. I'm interested to know if there exists an algorithm capable of producing variable output given identical input without relying on other sources for randomness such as DateTime.Now or a number generated from a light sensor etc. In addition, the algorithm can not be run in sequence, just two distinct, unrelated runs that produce different output.

Best Answer

I'm interested to know if there exists an algorithm capable of producing variable output given identical input without relying on other sources for randomness such as DateTime.Now or a number generated from a light sensor etc.

No, that's fundamentally impossible, because the very definition of an algorithm is that it's well-defined and deterministic, i.e. given the same input will always produce the same output. There are randomized algorithms, but they require randomness as input.

Furthermore, determinism is the most important design goal of computer hardware. A CPU that does not produce the same output given the same input would be utterly useless for most purposes.

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