Requirements – Can Non-Technical Staff Gather Requirements for Development Team?


Working in a large organisation, it is often the case that the members of the development team are not able to get direct access to the client to gather requirements. Is it possible/advisable to give a list of questions to an account manager so that they can gather requirements on your behalf?

Best Answer

  • Possible: yes :-)

  • Advisable: only if there is really really no other way. This would easily result in very brittle, poorly understood requirements. And the problems may only appear at a later stage, during implementation or acceptance testing.

Requirements gathering ideally should be a series of detailed discussions between client and developer(s). Clients usually have very faint ideas of what they really want, thus implementing their first vague decription as is would almost inevitably lead to problems. So the developers should be able to tell the price of each idea/story/requirement, which helps clients prioritize their needs, and give technical feedback on what's possible and feasible. Also, they should understand the problem domain as deep as needed, in order to provide the best technical solution to the client's problem. And all along the way, they must ensure they understood the client properly, which means frequently asking back for clarifications and repeating what they understood with their own words during communication sessions (and frequently providing UI prototypes/mockups of client ideas). The best medium for this is oral communication - if it is not possible face to face, a video or phone conference is the next best option.

Having a nontechnical person as a communication channel between clients and developers severely limits the efficiency of communication. Even sending documents back and forth by e-mail would be better, where there is at least no intermediary, so there is one less possibility for misunderstanding.

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