CC-NC-ND License – Can Code Be Used in Commercial Closed-Source Software?


I am working on project on which I need to open-source part of my code in order to simplify extension by the enduser.

What I want, is to make an npm module, that will expose part of my code, so my users can build extensions for the product (in JavaScript), but I want a guarantee that this code will not be used for commercial or other development work, beside extensions for my product.

I found Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivs license to be a fit.

My problem: Can I, as the author of this code, use it in a commercial closed-source application?

Disclaimer: I know this is kind of a legal question, but please, state what you think, no one is holding you accountable/liable for it. Thanks.

Best Answer

Copyright licenses only specify what others can do with your code. If you are the copyright holder of the code, then you have all the rights to do with that code as you like and that includes using the code in ways that is not permitted for others.

You are the copyright holder if you wrote the code yourself and it was not written as part of your job or under contract.

Regarding your choice of license: Using Creative Commons licenses for software is not recommended.

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