Android Development – Can You Program Android Apps in a Functional Language


Can you program Android Apps in a functional language?

I meant is it possible to program for Android in a language that was designed from the ground up to be functional? I'm aware that you can use the functional components of an OO or a procedural language to program in a functional style, I was asking whether it would be applicable to use one of the "functional languages" on Android.

Best Answer

Yes. You can build Android apps in both Scala and Clojure. The question is would apps produced with these languages be up to "production" standards and I think right now the consensus answer is "not yet"

EDIT: Remember I wrote my response almost 3 years ago (as of today). I believe that both Scala and Clojure have come a long way in that time. Plus Kotlin is another good option for building Android apps with a functional language.