Clean Code – Comments vs Class Documentation

clean codecomments

I'm having some discussions with my new colleagues regarding commenting. We both like Clean Code, and I'm perfectly fine with the fact that inline code comments should be avoided and that class and methods names should be used to express what they do.

However, I'm a big fan of adding small class summaries that tries to explain the purpose of the class and what is actually represents, primarily so that its easy to maintain the single responsibility principle pattern. I'm also used to adding one-line summaries to methods that explains what the method is supposed to do. A typical example is the simple method

public Product GetById(int productId) {...}

I'm adding the following method summary

/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a product by its id, returns null if no product was found.
/// </summary

I believe that the fact that the method returns null should be documented. A developer that wants to call a method should not have to open up my code in order to see if the method returns null or throws an exception. Sometimes it's part of an interface, so the developer doesn't even know which underlying code is running?

However, my colleagues think that these kinds of comments are "code smell" and that "comments are always failures" (Robert C. Martin).

Is there a way to express and communicate these types of knowledge without adding comments? Since I'm a big fan of Robert C. Martin, I'm getting a bit confused. Are summaries the same as comments and therefore always failures?

This is not a question about in-line comments.

Best Answer

As others have said, there's a difference between API-documenting comments and in-line comments. From my perspective, the main difference is that an in-line comment is read alongside the code, whereas a documentation comment is read alongside the signature of whatever you're commenting.

Given this, we can apply the same DRY principle. Is the comment saying the same thing as the signature? Let's look at your example:

Retrieves a product by its id

This part just repeats what we already see from the name GetById plus the return type Product. It also raises the question what the difference between "getting" and "retrieving" is, and what bearing code vs. comment has on that distinction. So it's needless and slightly confusing. If anything, it's getting in the way of the actually useful, second part of the comment:

returns null if no product was found.

Ah! That's something we definitely can't know for sure just from the signature, and provides useful information.

Now take this a step further. When people talk about comments as code smells, the question isn't whether the code as it is needs a comment, but whether the comment indicates that the code could be written better, to express the information in the comment. That's what "code smell" means- it doesn't mean "don't do this!", it means "if you're doing this, it could be a sign there's a problem".

So if your colleagues tell you this comment about null is a code smell, you should simply ask them: "Okay, how should I express this then?" If they have a feasible answer, you've learned something. If not, it'll probably kill their complaints dead.

Regarding this specific case, generally the null issue is well known to be a difficult one. There's a reason code bases are littered with guard clauses, why null checks are a popular precondition for code contracts, why the existence of null has been called a "billion-dollar mistake". There aren't that many viable options. One popular one, though, found in C# is the Try... convention:

public bool TryGetById(int productId, out Product product);

In other languages, it may be idiomatic to use a type (often called something like Optional or Maybe) to indicate a result that may or may not be there:

public Optional<Product> GetById(int productId);

So in a way, this anti-comment stance has gotten us somewhere: we've at least thought about whether this comment represents a smell, and what alternatives might exist for us.

Whether we should actually prefer these over the original signature is a whole other debate, but we at least have options for expressing through code rather than comments what happens when no product is found. You should discuss with your colleagues which of these options they think is better and why, and hopefully help move on beyond blanket dogmatic statements about comments.