Clean Code: Using Long Names Instead of Comments

clean codenaming

Don't be afraid to make a name long. A long descriptive name is better
than a short enigmatic name. A long descriptive name is better than a
long descriptive comment.

Robert C. Martin

Did I understand Clean Code right?
You put the whole information that you would put into a comment into the class/method/… name.
Wouldn't that lead to long names like:


Best Answer

You have to take everything in Clean Code together. I've read the book more than once. I frequently lend it to new developers on my team.

Yes, Martin does say you should prefer long, descriptive names over comments. However, he also advocates for the Single Responsibility Principle.

I've seen SRP defined a few ways, usually "a class or method should only have one reason to change", or "a class or method should do only one thing".

So, I tell my developers to write very descriptive names. I also frequently tell them that if the name of the method is getting too long, it is probably doing too many things.

If the name of the method is becoming unmanageable, consider if something needs refactoring.

I also tell my team to avoid the Incredibles Pattern. As we learned from Syndrome, "when everybody's special, nobody's special."

If every property or method of you class starts or ends with the same word(s), you can probably omit that word.

Assuming these are both members of one class, would the following make sense?

It looks like you have many PageReloaders, so we make a base class for the things all PageReloaders do.

abstract class PageReloader {
    //page reloader code

Next, the name indicates that being "used in the editor" is significant, so there must be other kinds of VectorGraphicsReloaders.

abstract class VectorGraphicsReloader : PageReloader{
    //vector graphics code

Finally, we get to the EditorGraphicsReloader, which is a VectorGraphicsReloader that does something specifically for the editor.

class EditorGraphicsReloader : VectorGraphicsReloader{
    //editor code

Within one of these class we should have two properties:

public string Comments { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }

The class these properties belong to depends on whether they are unique to the editor, vector graphics, or common to all page reloaders.

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