Clojure Web Application: EC2 or GAE

amazon ec2clojuregoogle-app-engine

I am developing a web application written in Clojure using the Compojure framework. My question is, should I deploy to Amazon EC2 or Google App Engine?

I've read this article on running Clojure code on GAE, but I am still a bit concerned about the limitations on GAE. I am going to be running sandboxed Clojure code, which means I might end up needing to tinker with the JVM security policies.

With EC2, I'll obviously have full control of everything. The downside is that this means more of an effort from a sys admin perspective.

I'm not sure which option makes more fiscal sense. I am not expecting too much traffic initially, and suspect that I'll operate pretty close to the "free" tier/quotas on either service.

I've had a lot of success working with EC2 in the past, but at the same time I'd love to get some experience with Google App Engine (which I've never used).

So whats your vote: Amazon EC2 or Google App Engine?

Best Answer

While I won't claim enough experience with either environment to answer your question fully, if you're considering Clojure on GAE you may find appengine-magic useful:

As an aside, the database limitations, performance, and costs are worth looking at closely with either platform, and may convince you (as it did me) to avoid both. For example, see these stories:

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