Database Design – Code First vs. Database First

database-designprogramming practices

When I design and create the software I work on, I typically design and create the back-end SQL tables first and then move on to the actual programming. The project I'm currently working on has me down right puzzled though. This is probably due to a lack of good, solid requirements, but there's unfortunately little I can do about that this time. It's a "just go make it happen" kind of situation.. but I digress.

I'm thinking of flipping my workflow on it's head and creating the UI and data model classes first in hopes that working that out will make it clear to me what my database schema will eventually look like. Is this a good idea? I'm nervous that I'll end up with a UI and still no idea of how to structure the db.

If anyone is curious, I'm using SQL Server as a backend and MS Access as a front end application. (Access isn't my choice either… so please don't hate on it too bad.)

Best Answer

What came first, the process, or the data used by that process? I know this is kind of a "chicken or the egg" question, but in the case of software, I believe it is the process.

For instance, you can build up your data model incrementally by implementing a single use-case at a time with just in-memory persistence (or anything as easy to implement). When you feel you've implemented enough use-cases to outline the basic entities, you may replace the in-memory persistence by a real database, and then continue to refine the schema as you go forward, one use-case at a time.

This takes the focus out of the database and moves it to the core of the problem: the business rules. If you start by implementing the business rules, you'll eventually find (by a process very similar to Natural Selection, by the way) which data is truly needed by the business. If you start by modeling the database, without the feedback of whether that data is truly needed (or in that format, or in that level of normalization, etc...), you'll either end up doing a lot of late adjustments in the schema (which may require heavy migration procedures, if the business is already running with it), or you'll have to implement "work-arounds" in the business rules to make up for the out-of-tune data model.

TL;DR: The database depends on the the business - it is defined by them. You won't need the data unless you have a process that operates with it (a report is also a process). Implement the process first, and you'll find which data it needs. Model the data first, and you may just be able to count how many assumptions were wrong when you first modeled it.

A little out of the topic but very important: the workflow I describe is often used along with very important practices such as "The simplest thing that could possibly work", test-driven development, and a focus on decoupling your architecture from the details that get in your way (hint: database). About the last one, this talk sums up the idea pretty well.

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