How to Format SQL Queries – Best Practices

code formattingsql

Should I break SQL queries in different lines? For example in the project I am working on, we have a query that is taking 1600 columns! 1600 + tab chars. I wrote queries like this:

   "SELECT bla , bla2 , bla FROM bla " . 
     "WHERE bla=333 AND bla=2" . 
      "ORDER BY nfdfsd ...";

But they demanded me to put them in one line and said that my style is bad formatting. Why it is bad practice?

Best Answer

For source control reasons, we have linebreaks after every where clause, or comma. So your above turns into

     , bla2 
     , bla 
FROM   bla 
WHERE  bla=333 
  AND  bla=2
ORDER  BY nfdfsd
        , asdlfk;

(tabbing and alignment has no standard here, but commas are usually leading)

Still, makes no performance difference.

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