Code Maintenance: Consistency vs. Refactoring Bad Patterns


I have to extend an existing module of a project. I don't like the way it has been done (lots of anti-pattern involved, like copy/pasted code). I don't want to perform a complete refactor for many reasons.

Should I:

  • create new methods using existing
    convention, even if I feel it wrong,
    to avoid confusion for the next
    maintainer and being consistent with
    the code base?


  • try to use what I feel better even if
    it is introducing another pattern in
    the code ?

Precison edited after first answers:

The existing code is not a mess. It is easy to follow and understand. BUT it is introducing lots of boilerplate code that can be avoided with good design (resulting code might become harder to follow then). In my current case it's a good old JDBC (spring template inboard) DAO module, but I have already encounter this dilemma and I'm seeking for other dev feedback.

I don't want to refactor because I don't have time. And even with time it will be hard to justify that a whole perfectly working module needs refactoring. Refactoring cost will be heavier than its benefits. Remember: code is not messy or over-complex. I can not extract few methods there and introduce an abstract class here. It is more a flaw in the design (result of extreme 'Keep It Stupid Simple' I think)

So the question can also be asked like that:
You, as developer, do you prefer to maintain easy stupid boring code OR to have some helpers that will do the stupid boring code at your place ?

Downside of the last possibility being that you'll have to learn some stuff and maybe you will have to maintain the easy stupid boring code too until a full refactoring is done)

Best Answer

Refactoring is best done in small steps, and preferably only if you have unit tests to cover the code. (So if you don't have tests yet, strive to write them first, and until then, stick to the simplest, most foolproof, preferably automated refactorings. A great help in this is Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers.)

In general, aim to improve the code a little whenever you touch it. Follow the Boy Scout Rule (coined by Robert C. Martin) by leaving the code cleaner than you found it. When you add new code, try to keep it separated from the existing bad code. E.g. don't bury it into the middle of a long method, instead add a call to a separate method and put your new code in there. This way, you grow gradually bigger islands of clean(er) code within the existing codebase.


Refactoring cost will be heavier than its benefits. [...] You, as developer, do you prefer to maintain easy stupid boring code OR to have some helpers that will do the stupid boring code at your place ?

I emphasized which I believe is the key point here. It is always worth assessing the costs and benefits of refactoring before we jump into it. As in your case, most of us have limited resources for refactoring so we must use them wisely. Spend that precious little time on refactoring where it brings the most benefits with the least effort.

As a creative mind, of course I would prefer producing perfect, beautiful and elegant code, and rewriting everything which does not resemble my ideals :-) In reality though, I am paid to produce software which solves real problems for its users, so I should think about producing the most value for their money over the long term.

The benefit of refactoring only appears if there is sufficient savings in time and efforts to understand, maintain, fix and extend the code in the long term. So if a piece of code - however ugly it is - is rarely or never touched, there are no known bugs in it and I don't know of any upcoming features in the foreseeable future which would require me to touch it, I prefer leaving it in peace.

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