Object-Oriented Design – Are Interface Methods Abstract Methods?

abstract classinterfacesobject-oriented-design

I was thinking about that, and I had some doubts.

When I declare an interface, for example:

public interface MyInterface
   public void method1();
   public void method2();

Could these interface methods be considered abstract? What I mean is that the concept of an abstract method is:

An abstract method is a method that is declared, but contains no implementation.

So, could these methods be considered abstract? They are not "pure" abstract methods as I'm not using the abstract word, but conceptually, it looks like they are.

What can you tell me about it?


Best Answer

An interface is like a "purely" abstract class. The class and all of its methods are abstract. An abstract class can have implemented methods but the class itself cannot be instantiated (useful for inheritance and following DRY).

For an interface, since there isn't any implementation at all they are useful for their purpose: a contract. If you implement the Interface then you must  implement the methods in the interface.

So the difference is an abstract class can have implemented methods whereas a interface cannot.

The reason they are separate is so a class can implement several interfaces. Java and C# restrict a class to inherent from a single parent class. Some languages allow you to inherit from multiple classes and you could accomplish the work of an interface via a "purely" abstract class. But multiple inheritance has its problems, namely the dreaded Diamond Problem