Copy-and-Pasted Test Code: How Bad is This


My current job is mostly writing GUI test code for various applications that we work on. However, I find that I tend to copy and paste a lot of code within tests. The reason for this is that the areas I'm testing tend to be similar enough to need repetition but not quite similar enough to encapsulate code into methods or objects. I find that when I try to use classes or methods more extensively, tests become more cumbersome to maintain and sometimes outright difficult to write in the first place.

Instead, I usually copy a big chunk of test code from one section and paste it to another, and make any minor changes I need. I don't use more structured ways of coding, such as using more OO-principles or functions.

Do other coders feel this way when writing test code? Obviously I want to follow DRY and YAGNI principles, but I find that test code (automated test code for GUI testing anyway) can make these principles tough to follow. Or do I just need more coding practice and a better overall system of doing things?

EDIT: The tool I'm using is SilkTest, which is in a proprietary language called 4Test. As well, these tests are mostly for Windows desktop applications, but I also have tested web apps using this setup as well.

Best Answer

Copy-pasted and then edited test cases are often fine.

Tests should have as few external dependencies as possible, and be as straightforward as possible. Test cases tend to change with time, and previously almost identical test cases may suddenly diverge. Updating one test case without having to worry about breaking other cases is a Good Thing.

Of course, boilerplate code which is identical in many test cases and has to change in concert can and should be factored out.

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