Custom HTML Tags: Are there any specifications stating a standard way to handle them


It seems like for years they've just been given default styling and inline display. Is there a spec somewhere that has dictated this? I've looked over the RFC's but I'm not particularly good with RFC-ese, and I didn't notice anything anywhere.

For example

   Some content <mycustomtag>something else</mycustomtag> more content.

I can still style it with CSS, and the browser doesn't outright vomit… so it seems like there is some sort of expected behavior. Was that dictated by a specification?

Best Answer

HTML 2.0 (RFC 1866) says, in Undeclared Markup Error Handling: “To facilitate experimentation and interoperability between implementations of various versions of HTML, the installed base of HTML user agents supports a superset of the HTML 2.0 language by reducing it to HTML 2.0: markup in the form of a start-tag or end-tag, whose generic identifier is not declared is mapped to nothing during tokenization. – – Information providers are warned that this convention is not binding: unspecified behavior may result, as such markup does not conform to this specification.”

This means that unknown tags are ignored. Any data between them is processed normally. That is, the tags are skipped, the (purported) element is not: its content is handled as if the tags were not there. So instead of being treated as inline elements, the constructs were treated as content.

HTML 2.0 is a great improvement over its successors in clarity and exactness. But what happened in practice is that browsers started recognizing elements with undefined tags, creating element nodes in the DOM and making them available to styling and client-side scripting. IE is the last one to follow suit here (as so often), and in Quirks Mode, even IE 9 ignores unknown tags (does not create styleable elements), unless you use document.createElement() to “define” them.

In XHTML, things are different in principle. Though the XHTML specs are obscure, it’s apparently the idea that XHTML is just XML with tags bound to “HTML namespace”. That is, you can use any tags in XHTML, and those declared to be in HTML namespace will be interpreted using HTML semantics, other elements are either from other namespaces known to the implementation (say, MathML or SVG namespace) or without any namespace, being just XML tags – which still create (styleable) nodes in the DOM.

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