Database Agnostic DAO – Combining NoSQL and SQL



While writing a new component, I m in middle of making a decision of SQL/NOSQL database (Mongo vs Mysql) for my storage layer. As of today, mysql seems to be a perfect fit for my use-case (6-7 domain entities, closely related to each other). Still, I want to keep my integrations with the data layer abstract enough to switch over to a nosql (mongo) in the future.

While trying to build this abstract Data access layer, I feel I am compromising with the offerings of RDBMS big-time (Since NOSQL doesn't support joins as the first class construct, cannot afford to expose joins and other prominent RDBMS features as part of this abstraction.)

Question :

Is it an overkill trying to build such level of abstraction in first place? Is it even possible to build such level of abstraction without compromising on the RDBMS offerings? If possible, What are the recommended patterns ?

Best Answer

The best way to guarantee that you stay reasonably decoupled from the database, but at the same time remain free to use any feature of it, is to not create an abstraction layer for the database. (Well, unless you have the explicit requirement now, that you need to support multiple databases. Otherwise YAGNI.)

The worst thing one can do, is to try to stay "database agnostic". This will almost automatically result in some "common denominator" type interfaces, usually trivial CRUD operations. Then you either can't use any specific feature of your storage backend (which is stupid considering what awesome features dbs have nowadays, not even mentioning completely different paradigms), or you have to constantly introduce new methods for specific features or queries. Even worse, because you don't want this abstraction to "explode" you will be sort-of forced to re-use methods for new requirements, which will be ill-fitting and painful.

The alternative is to model your domain, and provide database specific implementations where it makes sense. One example I came across: We had the requirement to freeze all credit cards of a customer (bank domain). This was initially implemented with an ORM, which had multiple connected entities (data objects with the usual 1-1/1-n relations). We had to issue a query for accounts, then cards, set flags on cards and let the ORM deal with persisting.

Instead of all that, I introduced a method Customer.freezeCreditCards(), which fired an "update" statement directly into a database. While that's not a particularly exciting operation, it shows that if you have the business method somewhere where it makes sense (where the data for it is), that it is trivial to use any optimization or extra feature you require. And you don't have to abstract/generalize features.

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