Web Development – Building Applications with Dynamic Controls and Processes Based on Database


All software development projects are moving into separation of design, logic , data in patterns like MVC , MVVM and others.

Strangely i got a very strange requirement for a new software; that is :

It is required to have all controls/fields of the screen to be based in the database with their access rules which user is allowed to see which field or control

This is requested so the clients DB Admin be able to remove any field from the screen or change access level(view edit,none) of any field to a user!

I have suggested other ways of maintaining user access and roles, but the client is insisting of having everything each and every single screen control in the database to have full control on the software's screen content by their DB admin.

Is this way of maintaining screen and their content and controls in database has a name or is there a design pattern for that ?!
i know doing the software in this will harm the client but can't provide enough justification for that.

My question is : Is doing software in the described way is recommended or not and why?

Best Answer

The way this is normally done is with user roles and a role access matrix.

Each user has a role, saved in the database along with the user name, password, etc.

Then, there is a two-dimensional role access matrix somewhere, specifying for each role and for each screen field what kind of access is to be had by users who have that specific role on that specific screen field. The access may be:

  • "none", meaning that the field should not be shown to users of this role
  • "read-only", meaning that the field should be displayed, but not be editable, and
  • "read-write", meaning that the field should be displayed and editable.

In a variation of this scheme, each user can have multiple roles, so the access that a user has to a certain field is computed to be the maximum access permitted by any of the roles held by the user. When this variation is used, the 'roles' may be called 'groups', in the sense that a user may belong to several groups simultaneously.

In yet another, more sophisticated but even more complicated variation, we introduce permissions as an intermediate step, replacing the role-access matrix with a much smaller role-permission matrix. In this scenario, each field has a required permission for "read-only" access, and another required permission for "read-write" access. (These required permissions can be hard-coded for each field: they don't need to be configurable.) If a user has a role which has none of the required permissions, the user does not see the field at all. So, for example, an "email address" field may require some "view sensitive information" permission in order to have "read-only" access to it, and some "edit sensitive information" permission in order to have "read-write" access to it. Each user has or does not have these permissions depending on their role. Presumably there will be many fields that will require the same permissions for the same kind of access, so the total number of permissions will be very small, which in turn means that the role-permission matrix will be small.

So, one of these approaches should solve your problem nicely. In fact, I would be willing to bet that they more closely parallel what your client really wants to accomplish: they probably don't want to tailor the type of access of every single user to every single screen field, they probably have some user groups and possibly some field groups vaguely in mind, and they want different groups of users to have different types of access to different groups of fields.

The role-access matrix or the role-permission matrix can be stored in the database, or they can be stored in an external configuration file, or, if you are building your user interface using some scripting language like PHP, they can even be placed directly in the code, and let the customer modify the PHP source file to alter the permissions.

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