Database Standards – Should You Standardize Created and Last Updated Date Fields on All DB Tables?


My boss is currently attempting to apply some development standards to our team, so we had a meeting yesterday to discuss the standards which was mostly going well until she brought up:

  • All DB tables will have a CreatedDate and LastUpdatedDate column, updated by triggers.

At this point our team suffered an opinion schism; one half of us think that doing this on all tables is a large amount of work with little benefit (we work on fixed-budget projects so any cost comes from our company's profits); the second half believe it will help with support of the projects.

I am firmly in the former camp. While I appreciate that some outside cases would cause the extra columns to improve supportability, in my opinion the amount of work that would be required to add the columns in the first place, as well as maintenance, would cause us to spend less time on more important things like Unit- or Load-Testing. Also, I'm fairly sure that these extra columns would make it more awkward to use an ORM – bearing in mind that we mainly use C# and Oracle, which isn't very ORM-happy to start with.

So, my question is twofold:

  • Am I in the right camp? I don't claim to have world-renowned database skills, so this might be a trivially easy addition with no adverse side-affects.
  • How would you deal with a situation where a meeting about standards devolves into a slagging match? How can I really sell that this standard is not going to help us in the long term?

Best Answer

This is a fairly common practice, although I wouldn't say supportability is the main benefit. The real benefit for this approach is keeping an audit trail. It's also common place to have an extra column containing the username of the user who made the last update.

If you're dealing with any kind of financial or sensetive data, I'm sure you've heard of things like PCI & SOX compliance. Having a comprehensive audit trail is essential in meeting those specifications..

Disclaimer: There are however, much better ways of achieveing a database audit trail >

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