Database Design – Is Using Autoincrement Integer Primary Key Good Practice?


In my databases, I tend to get into the habit of having an auto-incrementing integer primary key with the name id for every table I make so that I have a unique lookup for any particular row.

Is this considered a bad idea? Are there any drawbacks to doing it this way? Sometimes I'll have multiple indices like id, profile_id, subscriptions where id is the unique identifier, profile_id links to the foreign id of a Profile table, etc.

Or are there scenarios where you don't want to add such a field?

Best Answer

It's never a bad idea to have a guaranteed unique row identifier. I guess I shouldn't say never – but let's go with the overwhelming majority of the time it's a good idea.

Theoretical potential downsides include an extra index to maintain and extra storage space used. That's never been enough of a reason to me to not use one.

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