Database migrations and Code deployment

databasedeploymentmigrationsource code

Should Database migrations be in included in the same deployment project as the code?

If they are not included in the same deployment, the Database deployment package and the Code deployment package will get different version numbers and this will generate confusion trying to figure out which Database version corresponds to which code version.

Note that our sql migration scripts are completely independent and unrelated to the code. We are just tying the sql scripts and code to the same deployment package, so they have the same version number.

Some people have the opinion that this is a bad practice, but looking carefully at their reasons in the following articles, they don't explain it very well and though they're not able to convince me:



What do you think?

Best Answer

In my experience, if the database is only connected via a single application such as a micro service api or monolithic app with one db, it does make sense to have code and db changes lock-step to avoid incomplete deployments.

If you have a database in which there is no single "owner" application, separation and manual synchronization makes sense to ensure proper order of changes.

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