NoSQL Big Data – Understanding Architecture and Documentation

Architecturebig datadatabasedocumentationnosql

I am doing an internship on Big Data technologies so I am new to this area. My question is about the use of NoSQL in the Big Data architecture. Do we need always to use a distributed storage (like HDFS in the case of Hadoop) then to put on top a NoSQL databases (like Hbase )?

I find it difficult to understand the typical BIG Data architecture specially for unstructured data .

If you can help me to see better I will be so thankful.

Best Answer

Most big data technologies are distributed by design, because the idea of big data is that your database is too big and too frequented to be handled by one server alone.

But most distributed new database technologies (some of which might be called NoSQL) do not use a separate plattform like HDFS as distributed storage backend but come with their own. MongoDB, to name just one example, runs as different processes on multiple servers which communicate with each other to form clusters and shards.

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