Database – One Database for Multiple Applications


Has anyone worked in an environment where multiple in-house applications are all under one database with each application given its own schema within that single database? I don't just mean a few small, related applications in one DB, but like full on standalone applications being put into one DB with other standalone applications.

I'm dealing with an architecture like this that was put into place long before me and am trying to argue that a new standalone application should be put into its own separate DB, but I'm basically being told that this "put everything into one database" architecture makes more sense than a separate DB and I am kind of at a loss for what to even say. I feel like I can't find much info about this out on the internet because no one else is putting multiple applications into one database like this, but maybe I am completely wrong?

I am working with Microsoft SQL Server and .NET web applications.

Best Answer

Yes I have worked in a similar environment.

The difference between a schema and a database isn't a huge one from an application perspective. After all, all the databases on a server run on the same server. I wouldn't sweat it.

The key thing is you maintain a separation between the tables and not have one set reference another, or have queries that span domains.

I would leave the DB setup to the DBAs and just ensure my SQL was good.