Ruby on Rails Database – Best Practices for Data Model Design


I'm writing a Rails cookbook app as a learning exercise. I've created a table for Recipes which holds info for the recipe (name, author, etc…). I also have a table for Ingredients which will be a master ingredients list, and then a table in-between which holds info specific to that recipe/ingredient combo (for example, the ingredient table would have a listing for Onion, the in-between table would have the amount, technique (slice, chop, etc…) and whatever else for a particular recipe).

Anyway – this is all working fine, but as I add ingredients to the table, I realize there are quite a few categories of ingredients (Spices, Vegetables, Meats, Fruits, etc…) and they have different bits of info I want to record about them. For example, meats and veggies might have the technique field (chop, dice, mince, etc) but spices might have a "spice_type" field to record if it is dry or fresh. Meats might require a "doneness" field (well-done, rare, etc..) while fruits do not…

So, the crux of my question – is it better to have one large ingredients table with fields for every category, only using the ones I need for a particular row, or is it better to create five tables, one for each type of ingredient?

I started coding it as separate tables, as it seemed proper since I am holding different fields for each type, but then I realized how much work it will be to code 5 x models, 5 x controllers, 5 x views, etc…

SO, better to stuff it all in one table (after all, they are all ingredients!), have each record just leave the non-applicable fields nil, and make my views/etc.. dynamic to adapt to whatever type of ingredient is being worked with (essentially hiding or displaying the appropriate fields)?

I hope this makes sense, whenever I get on this site I turn into a rambling fool 😉

Thanks for the help


I was making some beer yesterday and thinking about my beer recipes along the lines of my cookbook app, and realized the beer recipes are a much better example of what I am trying to figure out, so below is the same question posed in a different paradigm:

In my beer recipes, I have three types of Ingredients. There is malt, hops, and yeast.

They are common in the sense that they are all ingredients, and will all have a few common attributes such as Name, Brand, and Price. However, there are specific attributes to each that the others don't share – for example, Malt has an SRM attribute (essentially color), while Hops has an AA (alpha acids) attribute, and yeast has a Flocculation attribute.

So do I go STI and lay out a table like this?
id, type, name, brand, price, srm, aa, flocculation

Additionally, the "in-between" table will contain different info on each. All ingredients will have an Amount attribute, but hops will have a BoilTime and malts will have a MashTemp, etc…

So do I use one table with STI and one "in-between" table to join? Do I make the "in-between" table STI as well?

I have a lot of reading to do! 🙂

Best Answer

Rails has, built-in, the concept of Single-Table Inheritance. Read up on it and use it, it's perfect for this situation.

In essence, what it does is allow you to have a type field in your table which literally defines the type (class name) of the object defined in the row. Fields that don't have matching attributes on objects of a particular type are nulled and ignored. In other words: it does everything that Emmad suggests for you.

It is such a fundamental part of the framework that if you have a field named Type, which isn't implementing STI, then you need to add some code to make sure the framework knows that.

One word of warning though: there is a danger with this technique of ending up with a table with dozens of fields which are only used by a few records. If this starts to happen, consider taking some of those fields out into separate tables. That is, you can still have a single main table, but if Spices have 20 fields not used by other types, you can store that in another table with a 1-to-1 relationship to the Spice object.