Django ORM – Should There Be a Database Independent SQL-Like Query Language?


Note :

  • I know we have Django ORM already that keeps things database independent and converts to the database specific SQL queries.
  • Once things starts getting complicated it is preferred to write raw SQL queries for better efficiency.
  • When you write raw sql queries your code gets trapped with the database you are using.
  • I also understand its important to use the full power of your database that can-not be achieved with the django orm alone.

My Question :

  • Until I use any database specific feature, why should one be trapped with the database.
  • For instance :

We have a query with multiple joins and we decided to write a raw sql
query. Now, that makes my website postgres specific. Even when I
have not used any postgres specific feature.

I feel there should be some fake sql language which can translate to any database's sql query. Even Django's ORM can be built over it. So, that if you go out of ORM but not database specific – you can still remain database independent.

I asked the same question to Jacob Kaplan Moss (In person) :

  • He advised me to stay with the database that I like and endure its whole power, to which I agree. But my point was not that we should be database independent.
  • My point is we should be database independent until we use a database specific feature.

Please explain, why should be there a fake sql layer over the actual sql ?




My suggestion:

Solve the independence of the database on a fake sql level and then build ORM over that fake sql. So, if I have to write a sql query – I will use fake sql that would work on all databases yet raw SQL. That way, I will remain database independent unless I use a feature very specific to my database.

Therefore, a query like select * from table limit 10; will work on both postgres and 'MS-SQL Server'.

Is that sensible ?


  • I am not talking about ANSI SQL, I am suggesting a fake sql to make all databases work with 1 standard sql. [ Which may not cover db specific features ]

Best Answer

I think you're looking for the SQL ANSI standard.

This standard is implemented in most RDBMS for the biggest part.

However, every RDBMS decided to do some things their way. (Simply because the standard didn't have the feature or another reason. LIMIT has an equivalent since SQL:2008 only for example.)

Listing these differences from the SQL standard would take a whole webpage to do it. Oh wait, it was done!

So to answer you, for this very reason, you can't be independant from RDBMS without losing performance (i.e. building a layer). The differences in the SQL standard implementations are what brought people to build ORMs.