Database – What are the advantages of storing xml in a relational database


I was poking around the AdventureWorks database today and I noticed that a number of tables (HumanResources.JobCandidate and Sales.Individual for example) have a column which is storing xml data.

What I would to know is, what is the advantage of storing basically a database table row's worth of data in another table's column? Doesn't this make it difficult to query off of this information? Or is the assumption that the data won't need to be queried and just needs to be stored?

Best Answer

Because not all data needs to be stored relationally and writing code to process data you've been passed as XML for relational storage is time consuming (and very very tedious). This is particularly true when a lot of XML data is coming from systems which are throwing out large generic responses.

I've frequently seen situations where a message is received from another system and we don't care about 98% of what it contains. So we parse it to split out the 2% we do care about, store that relationally and then store the whole message in case we do need any of the remaining 98% later.

And SQL Server gives you some OK-ish tools and syntax for working with XML in T-SQL so it's not as if it's totally beyond practical reach for ad-hoc queries in the way it might be if you were storing, say, the contents of a CSV.

And that excludes the possibility that what you actually want to store is XML (for instance for support and debug purposes)...