Database Design – Why Create a New MDX Language Instead of Extending SQL?


I have a long experience with SQL, but recently began working with datawarehouse and OLAP technologies: building fact and dimension tables, that then are queried using MDX (MultiDimensional eXpressions).

The problem is that MDX works with a completely different logic compared to SQL, and it's a whole new learning curve even for someone with a strong SQL background.

Yes, MDX allows you to do things that would be hard or almost impossible with plain SQL.
But sometimes it's frustrating to be hours around an MDX to do something you know you could achieve in minutes using SQL (ok, you can tell me to RTFM …).

But why go on to the trouble of creating a new completely different language when you could build on SQL, extend it to add the features needed by OLAP applications?

Best Answer

Each database vendor has their own set of proprietary SQL extensions to achieve certain piecemeal goals. But none of these extensions have achieved widespread adoption like SQL has.

If your goal is to create enhanced functionality in a standards-based way, you have two options. You can either go to the SQL standards committee and make your case (which could take years), or you can create your own standard and hope the community adopts it. Vendor extensions on the SQL standard have not succeeded in this way.

So Microsoft, instead of taking a piecemeal approach, decided to go all in and create a comprehensive solution. And it worked; the industry adopted it as the go-to solution for OLAP querying. Ergo, a defacto standard, without the committee pain.

MDX is a de-facto standard, created by a single vendor. Assuming you can get broad buy-in, you have eliminated the need for design by committee, and saved yourself a lot of time, effort and money.

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