Operating Systems – Why Don’t Windows/Linux Use Relational Databases (RDBMS)?

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Why don't Windows/Linux use relational databases (RDBMS)?

I know they use file systems to store all data but don't you think it is more efficient to use databases like we use in web sites/web apps?

Please elaborate on the use of a file system over a database for storage.

This is not a duplicate of When should use of database be preferred over parsing data from a text file? I am talking in terms of only operating system contexts, and that question is generalized.

Best Answer

Today, most database management systems (e.g. PostGreSQL, MongoDB, etc...) internally keep their data inside OS files (in the past, some DBMSs used raw disk partitions directly).

On recent computers still using spinning hard disks, the disk is so slow - relative to the CPU or the RAM - that adding a few software layers is not relevant. SSD technology might change that a bit, and some file systems are optimized for SSDs.

Files are present in most OSes in general for historical and social reasons (in particular, C compilers and most tools - editors, linkers - want files, so there is a chicken and egg issue), and because there are a lot of very good file system implementations.

BTW, some essential system facilities can use databases. For example on Linux PAM can be configured to use information in databases (but this is rarely done in practice). Also, some mail servers may store some or most of their data in databases (e.g. Exim).

Files are slightly lower abstractions than databases, so they can be easier to implement (as the file systems & VFS layer in the Linux kernel) and faster to use. In particular, the operations on files are much more restricted than those on databases. In fact, you could see files or file systems as some very restricted databases!

You could design an operating system without any files, but with some other orthogonal persistence machinery (e.g. having every process be persistent, then you don't care much explicitly about storage, since the OS is managing persistent resources). This has been done in several academic operating systems(1) (and also in the Smalltalk and Lisp machines of the 1980s, somehow in the IBM System i, a.k.a. AS/400, and in some toy projects linked from osdev), but when you design your OS this way you cannot leverage on many existing tools (e.g. you also need to make your compiler and your user interface from scratch, and that is a lot of work).

Notice that microkernel operating systems might not need files provided by kernel layers since the file systems are just application servers (e.g. Hurd translators running in userland). Look also at the unikernel approach in today's MirageOS

Linux (and probably Windows, which got most of its inspiration from VMS & Unix) need files to work. At the very least, the init program (the first program started by the kernel) must be an executable stored in a file (often /sbin/init, but it could be systemd these days), and (nearly) all other programs are started with execve(2) syscall so must be stored in a file. However, FUSE enables you to give file-like semantics to non-file things.

Notice also that on Linux (and perhaps even Windows, which I don't know and never used) sqlite is a library managing some SQL database in a files and providing an API for that. It is widely known that Android (a Linux variant) uses a lot of sqlite files (but it still does have a POSIX-like file system).

Read also about application checkpointing (which, on many current OSes, is implemented to write the process state in files). Pushed to the extreme, that approach does not need to manually write application files (but only to persist the entire process state using the checkpointing machinery).

Actually, the interesting question is why do current operating systems still use files, and the answer is legacy, and economic and cultural reasons (sadly, most programming languages and libraries today still want files).

Note 1: persistent academic OSes include Lisaac & Grasshopper, but these academic projects seem to be inactive. Look also into http://tunes.org/ ; it is inactive, but has gotten lots of discussions around such topics.

Note 2: the notion of file has widely changed over time (look at this answer about my first programming experiences): the first MSDOS on 1980s IBM PCs (no directories!), the VMS -on 1978 Vaxen- (had both fixed-record files and sequential files, with a primitive versioning system), the 1970s mainframes (IBM/370 with OS/VS2 MVS) had a very different notion of files and file systems (in particular because at their time the ratio of hard disk access time to core memory access time was a few thousand - so at that time disk ran relatively faster than today, even if today's disks are absolutely faster than in the previous century, today the CPU / disk speed ratio is about a million; but we now have SSDs). Also, files are less (or even not) useful when the memory is persistent (as on CAB500 magnetic drum, 1960s; or future computers using MRAM)

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