NoSQL Popularity – Why Key-Value Storage is Popular These Days


It seems that NoSQL concept not something very new and innovative, but these days become very popular. Why it become popular recently but not happen in the time when SQL is very popular?

Best Answer

NoSQL is not the absence of SQL necessarily. It can mean "Not Only SQL". It came about because of the web and the rise of massively distributed computing structures where SQL's overhead becomes a liability rather than an asset. It's the same with functional programming.

Lisp has been around since the 60s, ML since the 70s, and Erlang for a good while as well. It began to rise when people discovered that state mutability in a concurrent environment provides a wealth of problems.

Before that, Object Oriented Programming provided a tool for project organization and for separation of concerns that while perhaps a little slower than the procedural code still used in numerical computing, it was a good fit to the then new web programming architectures.

So it's a really a question of having the right tools for the job. Sometimes you need SQL, sometimes you don't.

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