Declaring multiple licences in a GitHub project


For years, I've been a great fan of putting licences on things shared online to make it easier for others to determine if and how they can reuse said things. Before GitHub began to gently 'push' its users to include LICENSE files with their repos, I didn't really know how to best do this with code – particularly code publicly shared on GitHub! – but I've tried to make good use of LICENSE files ever since.

I'm now in the situation where I've worked on a small project with some other folks, which requires mention of several licences (due to 3rd-party code & libraries as well as non-code files). While my partners go about the issue rather 'sloppily' – it was suggested I 'just put the code online as-is, no-one will care' –, I'd rather do this properly. Problem is: I don't know how one is supposed to make mention of several (different) licences on GitHub.

I've seen several different solutions on GitHub, which is why it's hard for me to judge if this answer to a slightly different question is authoritive. What I'd like to know is which of the following – if any – is the most common, or if there are other, additional ways of doing this.

  1. Create one single LICENSE file and put the descriptions of all the different licences in there. (Questions: Should they be put in a particular order? Would I start off the file with mention of the names of all the licences contained within, for a better overview)?
  2. Create one LICENSE file per licence used and name them,, etc. as suggested in the linked answer. (Question: The naming would be based on project names? Not licence names? If I used more than one licence for self-contributed material, would I mention them all in the 'main' If not, what would I do instead?)
  3. Create two LICENSE files: one listing the licence(s) for the 'main' contents, i.e. all code/assets oneself has created; one for all 3rd party materials. (Questions as above: is there a particular naming scheme one would use, and order in which one would list the 3rd party materials?)

Lastly, if I understood the various GitHub explanations and projects regarding their Licenses API correctly, only the 'main' LICENSE file will be taken into consideration when determining a repo's licence (though I haven't been able to figure out which licence would be picked if several were mentioned).

Best Answer

You can use any mechanism to include those licenses that you like, as long as it becomes clear to a visitor of your project which license is applicable to which portion of the project.

My preference would be:

  • Put each third-party library that you use in a directory of its own. This directory should contain all files that are part of the library's distribution, including the license and readme files.
  • In your own license file, refer only to the license of your own code
  • In the readme file of your project, mention which third-party libraries you use and which license each library is distributed under. For full license details, refer to the license file in the library's directory.
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