Project Management – Key Deliverables in a Software Development Project


Following a standard framework of project management, for a software development project we will provide deliverables (documents and software) at the end of each month :

enter image description here

My question is:

  • From May to June, while software is in development, what would be the deliverable for each month?

  • Each document starts as version 1.0. Is it possible to deliver same document one or two months later as version 2.0? Because it could happen changes on the way.

Users and clients ask me they want to see something as deliverable for each month, so they won't feel that the project is going without direction.

Best Answer

As you said changes could happen along the way, would it be possible to shorten the cycle time to just 1 - 2 weeks and not wait until the end of each month? This will give user something to see as you're developing the software and also user can give some feedback more quickly. This will make them feel that they visually see something changed, and not see waiting nervously at the end of each month. So you can have a short meeting to let them know what will be deliverables for each week or two weeks. This is because I think small features doesn't have to be the whole month to complete. If the task is too big you could slice it and break it down to smaller ones. Then users will think they have seen a lot more than they expect.

And I think version number is just the thing you need to agree with the users. Smaller changes i would call it 1.1.1 and goes up every week to 1.1.2 then if the end of each month you can certainly raise to 1.2 or 1.3.