Demonstration of garbage collection being faster than manual memory management


I've read in many places (heck, I've even written so myself) that garbage collection could (theoretically) be faster than manual memory management.

However, showing is a lot harder to come by than telling.
I have never actually seen any piece of code that demonstrates this effect in action.

Does anyone have (or know where I can find) code that demonstrates this performance advantage?

Best Answer

See and follow all of the links to see Rico Mariani vs Raymond Chen (both very competent programmers at Microsoft) dueling it out. Raymond would improve the unmanaged one, Rico would respond by optimizing the same thing in the managed ones.

With essentially zero optimization effort, the managed versions started off many times faster than the manual. Eventually the manual beat the managed, but only by optimizing to a level that most programmers would not want to go to. In all versions, the memory usage of the manual was significant better than the managed.