Dependency Injection vs Static Methods – Key Differences and Use Cases

dependency-injectionstatic methods

I had an interesting discussion today with another developer about how to approach a class with a method that accepts a string and outputs string.

Imagine something like the following which is completely made up for the purpose of example

public string GetStringPart(string input)
   //Some input validation which is removed for clarity

   if(input.Length > 5)
        return input.Substring(0,1);

   if(input.Substring(0,1) == "B")
        return input.Substring(0,3);

   return string.empty;

A function which has some logic based on it's string input is added to a project using DI and has a DI Container in place. Would you add this new class with an interface and inject it where needed, or would you make it a static class? What are the pros and cons of each? Why would you (or not) want to make this something used with constructor injection rather than just accessed when required anywhere.

Best Answer

There is no reason why this needs to be injected. This is just a function, it has no dependencies, so just call it. It can even be static if you want as it looks to be pure. One can write unit tests against this with no difficulty. If it is used in other classes, unit tests can still be written.

There is no need to abstract away functions with no dependencies, it's overkill.

If this becomes more complex then maybe passing an interface into a constructor or method is warranted. But, I wouldn't go down that road that unless I had complex GetStringPart logic based on location, etc.