Deploy a NodeJs (FrontEnd) and a Spring (BackEnd) project as one artefact

continuous integrationJenkinsmavennode.js

I have a current project which consist out of two independently developed projects:

  • Spring REST as back end
  • Angular as front end

I do have a Jenkins instance available for building my projects and I'd would like to "marry" both of the projects in a CD job to a single deployable file (.jar)

Is this a job of jenkins, to copy all needed files together? Or is this usually solved with a maven plugin? I couldn't find much information about that, although it seems like a very common step to me.

Best Answer

Ant or Maven are usually used for this. For example, Apache Wicket calls npm and Grunt from within the pom.xml:

<name>Wicket JavaScript Tests</name>
<description>JavaScript tests for all Wicket modules</description>

  <id>install node and npm</id>

  <id>npm install</id>

  <id>grunt build</id>
    <!--<arguments> - -verbose </arguments>-->

And Apache Freemarker Docgen calls npm and Gulp from within build.xml:

  <!-- See about installing node.js and Gulp! -->
  <target name="node-deps">
    <exec executable="npm" dir="${basedir}" failonerror="true" osfamily="unix">
      <arg line="install" />
    <exec executable="cmd" dir="${basedir}" failonerror="true" osfamily="windows">
        <arg line="/c npm install" />

  <target name="gulp">
    <exec executable="node" failonerror="true" dir="${basedir}">
      <arg line="node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js"/>

    <exec executable="${nodeJsCommand}" failonerror="true" dir="${basedir}">
      <arg value="node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js"/>
