Design – API – How to handle scope based functionality



Where and possibly how should I implement scope based logic in the
example code?

I have got a ASP.NET Web Api.

The Api uses OData (on top off REST) for data endpoints and OAuth 2.0 authentication.
Now I want to add functionality to handle an Access Token in several different scopes.

Some of the scopes are:

  • User
  • Organization
  • Customer

The result set the API returns should be based on this scope.
The same applies if someone wants to add, update or delete an entity.

Now take for example the following endpoint:


Someone with a Token in the Organization scope does a GET and should only get the employees that are in the Organization that is defined within the Token. An user in the Customer scope should get the employees for all organizations within the customer defined in the Token. This functionality however is not available for someone with a Token in the User scope.

The same applies to a POST. Someone within the organization scope should only be allowed to add a new employee to his own organization.

The functionality for the different scopes will usually only differ a little bit.
In the case of getting the employees the difference is only a where on organization or otherwise on customer. In the case of a post their should be a check to see if for example the organization is part of the customer that is bound to the customer Token.

Current implementation:

Currently we have a base ApiController which is generic typed.
The base controller calls an Query or CommandHandler with the entity type and all the implementation details are inside this handlers.


public abstract class ApiController<TEntity> : EntitySetController<TEntity, Guid>
    where TEntity : class, IApiEntity
    protected readonly IQueryProcessor QueryProcessor;
    protected readonly ICommandProcessor CommandProcessor;

    protected ApiController(IQueryProcessor queryProcessor, ICommandProcessor commandProcessor)
        this.QueryProcessor = queryProcessor;
        this.CommandProcessor = commandProcessor;

    public override IQueryable<TEntity> Get()
        var command = new GetEntityCommand<TEntity>();
        return this.QueryProcessor.Process(command);


public class EmployeeController : ApiController<Employee>
{ }


public class GetEmployeeCommandHandler : IQueryHandler<GetEntityCommand<Employee>, IQueryable<Employee>>
    public IQueryable<Employee> Handle(GetEntityCommand<Employee> command)
         // Code that knows how to get a collection of employees.
         // This collection contains all employees


public class PostEmployeeCommandHandler : ICommandHandler<PostEntityCommand<Employee>, Employee>
   public Employee Handle(PostEntityCommand<Employee> command)
         // Code that knows how to add an employee to the database.

The question

Where and possibly how should I implement the scope based logic?
I know there has to be a smart way to do this and a good place to implement this scope based logic, I just don't see it (yet).

Best Answer

I strongly suggest that you put this scope logic inside your data schema design (SQL tables for example). Don't do filtering. The reason is mainly scalability.

  • When there are so many data items, you don't want to ask the DB to load them all, and then you apply scoping on these items in memory. You overload the DB with extra work, and memory too.
  • Database can query items with scoping parameters (query optimizers work very well for SQL) much better. You will have better speed.
  • Using the DB will also help you avoid lot of problems with transaction and concurrency.
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