Software Architecture – Are Manager Classes a Sign of Bad Design?


Lately I've begun to think that having lots of manager classes in your design is a bad thing. The idea hasn't matured enough for me to make a compelling argument, but here's a few general points:

  • I found it's a lot harder for me to understand systems that rely heavily on "managers". This is because, in addition to the actual program components, you also have to understand how and why the manager is used.

  • Managers, a lot of the time, seem to be used to alleviate a problem with the design, like when the programmer couldn't find a way to make the program Just WorkTM and had to rely on manager classes to make everything operate correctly.

Of course, mangers can be good. An obvious example is an EventManager, one of my all time favorite constructs. 😛 My point is that managers seem to be overused a lot of the time, and for no good reason other than mask a problem with the program architecture.

Are manager classes really a sign of bad architecture?

Best Answer

Manager classes can be a sign of a bad architecture, for a few reasons:

  • Meaningless Identifiers

    The name FooManager says nothing about what the class actually does, except that it somehow involves Foo instances. Giving the class a more meaningful name elucidates its true purpose, which will likely lead to refactoring.

  • Fractional Responsibilities

    According to the single responsibility principle, each code unit should serve exactly one purpose. With a manager, you may be artificially dividing that responsibility.

    Consider a ResourceManager that coordinates lifetimes of, and access to, Resource instances. An application has a single ResourceManager through which it acquires Resource instances. In this case there is no real reason why the function of a ResourceManager instance cannot be served by static methods in the Resource class.

  • Unstructured Abstraction

    Often a manager is introduced to abstract away underlying problems with the objects it manages. This is why managers lend themselves to abuse as band-aids for poorly designed systems. Abstraction is a good way to simplify a complex system, but the name “manager” offers no clue as to the structure of the abstraction it represents. Is it really a factory, or a proxy, or something else?

Of course, managers can be used for more than just evil, for the same reasons. An EventManager—which is really a Dispatcher—queues events from sources and dispatches them to interested targets. In this case it makes sense to separate out the responsibility of receiving and sending events, because an individual Event is just a message with no notion of provenance or destination.

We write a Dispatcher of Event instances for essentially the same reason we write a GarbageCollector or a Factory:

A manager knows what its payload shouldn’t need to know.

That, I think, is the best justification there is for creating a managerlike class. When you have some “payload” object that behaves like a value, it should be as stupid as possible so that the overall system remains flexible. To provide meaning to individual instances, you create a manager that coordinates those instances in a meaningful way. In any other situation, managers are unnecessary.

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