Design – How to Detect Sprites in a SpriteSheet


I'm currently writing a Sprite Sheet Unpacker such as Alferds Spritesheet Unpacker. Now, before this is sent to gamedev, this isn't necessarily about games. I would like to know how to detect a sprite within a spriitesheet, or more abstactly, a shape inside of an image.

Given this sprite sheet:

I want to detect and extract all individual sprites. I've followed the algorithm detailed in Alferd's Blog Post which goes like:

  1. Determine predominant color and dub it the BackgroundColor
  2. Iterate over each pixel and check ColorAtXY == BackgroundColor
  3. If false, we've found a sprite. Keep going right until we find a BackgroundColor again, backtrack one, go down and repeat until a BackgroundColor is reached. Create a box from location to ending location.
  4. Repeat this until all sprites are boxed up.
  5. Combined overlapping boxes (or within a very short distance)
  6. The resulting non-overlapping boxes should contain the sprite.

This implementation is fine, especially for small sprite sheets. However, I find the performance too poor for larger sprite sheets and I would like to know what algorithms or techniques can be leveraged to increase the finding of sprites.

A second implementation I considered, but have not tested yet, is to find the first pixel, then use a backtracking algorithm to find every connected pixel. This should find a contiguous sprite (breaks down if the sprite is something like an explosion where particles are no longer part of the main sprite). The cool thing is that I can immediately remove a detected sprite from the sprite sheet.

Any other suggestions?

Best Answer

After a little browsing, I created my own solution a few months back but failed to post it here in the interest of anybody that would like to do the same. Therefore, I will quickly describe the method before showing the code. It's in kotlin, but if you're familiar with Java and/or AS3 you should be able to understand the syntax.

The Method

  1. Scan the entire image and store each color in a table.
  2. Determine which color shows up most often- this is the background color
  3. Start at the top left and scan each line.
  4. If a pixel does not match the background color, then it is a sprite.
  5. Use a backtracking algorithm to "fill out" the entire sprite.
  6. Create a rectangle out of this plot.
  7. Store it and cut the sprite out of the image.
  8. Repeat 4-7 until finished.

The Code

The source is available on github, and here is the code w/o documentation or imports.

 fun unpack(spriteSheet: Path): List<Image> {
                                "The file ${spriteSheet.getFileName()} does not exist")

    logger.debug("Loading sprite sheet.")
    // TODO: Convert to png so we have an alpha layer to work with
    val spriteSheetImage = readImage(spriteSheet).toBufferedImage()

    logger.debug("Determining most probable background color.")
    val backgroundColor  = determineProbableBackgroundColor(spriteSheetImage)
    logger.debug("The most probable background color is $backgroundColor")

    return findSprites(spriteSheetImage, backgroundColor) map(::copySubImage.bindFirst(spriteSheetImage))

private fun findSprites(image: BufferedImage,
                        backgroundColor: Color): List<Rectangle> {
    val workingImage = copy(image)

    val spriteRectangles = ArrayList<Rectangle>()
    for (pixel in workingImage) {
        val (point, color) = pixel

        if (color != backgroundColor) {
            logger.debug("Found a sprite starting at (${point.x}, ${point.y})")
            val spritePlot = findContiguous(workingImage, point) { it != backgroundColor }
            val spriteRectangle = Rectangle(spritePlot, image)

            logger.debug("The identified sprite has an area of ${spriteRectangle.width}x${spriteRectangle.height}")

            eraseSprite(workingImage, backgroundColor, spritePlot)
    }"Found ${spriteRectangles.size()} sprites.")
    return spriteRectangles

private fun findContiguous(image: BufferedImage, point: Point, predicate: (Color) -> Boolean): List<Point> {
    val unvisited = LinkedList<Point>()
    val visited   = HashSet<Point>()

    unvisited.addAll(neighbors(point, image) filter { predicate(Color(image.getRGB(it.x, it.y))) })

    while (unvisited.isNotEmpty()) {
        val currentPoint = unvisited.pop()
        val currentColor = Color(image.getRGB(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y))

        if (predicate(currentColor)) {
            unvisited.addAll(neighbors(currentPoint, image) filter {
                !visited.contains(it) && !unvisited.contains(it) &&
                predicate(Color(image.getRGB(it.x, it.y)))


    return visited.toList()

private fun neighbors(point: Point, image: Image): List<Point> {
    val points = ArrayList<Point>()

    if (point.x > 0)
        points.add(Point(point.x - 1, point.y))
     if (point.x < image.getWidth(null) - 1)
     points.add(Point(point.x + 1, point.y))

     if (point.y > 0)
     points.add(Point(point.x, point.y - 1))
     if (point.y < image.getHeight(null) - 1)
     points.add(Point(point.x, point.y + 1))

     return points

However, the code is not yet complete- packing and creating the metafile is missing- and has been languishing in my Github since March, but I'll hopefully complete it one day.

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