Design – Is DRY the Enemy of Software Project Management?


One of the most basic and widely accepted principles of software development is DRY (don't repeat yourself). It is also clear that most software projects require some kind of management.

Now what are the tasks that are easy to manage (estimate, schedule, control)? Right, repetitive tasks, exactly the tasks that should be avoided according to DRY.

So from a project management perspective, it is great to solve a task by copying some existing code 100 times and make some minor adaptations to each copy, as required. At all times, you know exactly how much work you have done and how much is left. All managers will love you.

If instead, you apply the DRY principle and try to find an abstraction that more or less eliminates the duplicate code, things are different. Usually there are many possibilities, you have to make decisions, do research, be creative. You might come up with a better solution in shorter time, but you might also fail. Most of the time, you cannot really say how much work is left. You are a project manager's worst nightmare.

Of course I am exaggerating, but there is obviously a dilemma. My questions are: What are criteria to decide if a developer is overdoing DRY? How can we find a good compromise? Or is there a way to completely overcome this dilemma, not just by finding a compromise?

Note: This question is based on the same idea as my previous one, Amount of routine work in software development and its effect on estimation, but I think it makes my point clearer, so sorry for repeating myself :).

Best Answer

You seem to assume the primary objective of project management is to produce exact estimates. This is not the case. The primary objective of project management is the same as for developers: To deliver value for the product owner.

A product using a lot of slow manual processes rather than automation might in theory be easier to estimate (although I doubt it), but it does not provide value-for-money to the customer, so it is simply bad project management. There is no dilemma.

It is well known that estimation of software projects is hard, and numerous books have been written and various processes have been developed to manage it.

If the only objective of the PM was to produce exact estimates, then it would be easy. Just pad the estimates to 10X, and let the developers play games for the rest if they finish early. This would actually be better than your suggestion to use copy-paste busywork to pad the time, since playing games will not reduce the maintainability of the product.

But in reality, the product owner want useful estimates and a quality product delivered as quickly and cheaply as possible. These are the actual constraints a PM will have to navigate.

In any case, I dispute your assumption that repetitive manual work is more predictable than automated. All experience shows that repetitive manual work is more prone to errors. And what if a bug is discovered in the copy-pasted code? Suddenly the cost of fixing a bug is multiplied with the amount of repetition, which makes the uncertainty explode.

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