Clean Code – Is This Way of Calling a Function a Bad Practice?

bad codeclean codecode smelldesigndesign-patterns

I have the following code:

public void moveCameraTo(Location location){
    moveCameraTo(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude());

public void moveCameraTo(double latitude, double longitude){
    LatLng latLng = new LatLng(latitude, longitude);

public void moveCameraTo(LatLng latLng){
    GoogleMap googleMap =  getGoogleMap();
    cameraUpdate = CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(latLng, INITIAL_MAP_ZOOM_LEVEL);

I think that with this way I eliminate the responsibility of knowing what is a LatLng in another class, for example.

And you do not need to prepare the data before calling the function.

What do you think?

Does this approach have a name? Is it really a bad practice?

Best Answer

You are using your languages method overloading feature to offer the caller alternate ways of resolving the methods dependency on positional information. You are then delegating to another method to resolve the remaining work of updating the camera.

The code smell here would be if you keep just extending the chain of methods calling methods. The Location taking method calls the double taking method which calls the latLng taking method which finally calls something that knows how to update the camera.

Long chains are only as strong as their weakest link. Each extension of the chain increases the footprint of code that has to work or this thing breaks.

It is a far better design if each method takes the shortest possible path to solving the problem that has been presented to it. That doesn't mean each must know how to update the camera. Each should translate their position parameter type to one uniform type that can be passed to something that does know how to update the camera when presented this one type.

Do it that way and you can remove one without breaking half of everything else.


public void moveCameraTo(Location location){
    moveCameraTo( new LatLng(location) );

This makes dealing with latitude and longitude LatLngs problem. The cost is it spreads knowledge of LatLng around. That might seem expensive but in my experience it's a preferable alternative to primitive obsession which is what avoiding establishing a parameter object leaves you stuck with.

If Location is refactorable but LatLng is not, consider solving this by adding a factory to Location:

moveCameraTo( location.ToLatLng() );

This also nicely avoids primitive obsession.

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