Designing a Rating System


So I went for developer job at some company who sell gourmet food boxes based on recipes, I was turned down for a job after doing a tech test, I asked why I failed to improve on next time.

They said my design for the rating system was subpar. (they basically wanted a system for rating recipies). Some basic context I had two entities 'recipe' 'rating'. These entities had a one-to-one bidirectional relation. Recipe has rating. The rating entity had these attributes 'numberVotes', 'totalPoints', 'average'

in my system you would do a POST request to


With a json that looks like


my rating function would then lookup the rating for the recipe using {recipieID} if there wasn't one would create one, subsequently ratings would then return the rating for the given recipe +1 to 'numberVotes' attribute, add the posted rating to the 'totalPoints', then calculate the average and update the 'average' attribute.

The lead dev said this

but you would be unable to retrieve the resource of a single rating.
Also you are not updating a rating with a particular recipe but a
recipe with a particular rating. So POST:/rate/recipe/{id} should be

In my mind this is horrible design, he's suggesting you would want to store each individual rating submitted by a user. If you had 10million users rating an item, are you really wanting to be storing 10million pieces of junk in your database, just you so you can find out how gurtrude rated your key lime pie out of 5?

Then when you want to get the actual rating of the key lime pie, are you going to want to retrieve all 10million results and avg that? Im sure there is a use case of storing individual user ratings for user analysis, but i'm sure you would still want to store the avg rating for quick retrieval rather than doing resource intensive look ups every time you want the rating to a recipe. But in the context of the tech test it asked 'store a rating for recipes'

What are your thoughts?

Best Answer

If you want to keep one user from rating one recipie multiple times, you need to save which user rated which recipie.
Let us continue thinking: If you want to allow a user to remove the rating or change it, you need to store the user that rated a recipie and the rating.

Additionally, by saving those ratings you can do interesting analytics (Recipie recommendation based on previously well rated recipies, etc.).

You could store the current average rating of each recipie and update it on a new rating.

Your thinking was too narrow and you attempted premature optimization that would have reduced the capabilities of the final system. 10 million means nothing, we are living in the age of big data!

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