Design Pattern: Algorithm varies according to the input arguments

default valuesdesign-patternsmethodsparameters

I will give a simple example to help you understand my question. Suppose we have a rectangle and a Utility class with a method that creates a buffer arround a shape.

The .createBuffer method has required and optional arguments:

  • required: radius

  • optional: direction (for example "inside" or "outside", default is "outside")

… maybe more arguments …

Every combination of arguments needs a different algorithm.

Which design pattern is appropriate for solving similar problems?

Best Answer

It's not clear to me that you need any design pattern -- at least not in the sense of the "Gang of Four" book.

From your description of the problem:

Every combination of arguments needs a different algorithm

what you need is some way to get from input -> output where input is "combination of arguments" and output is "algorithm". This is essentially just a hash table (or a function), in which:

  • keys: some property of the specific arguments present
  • values: algorithms (the exact implementation could be functions, objects, etc. depending on which language you're using and how convenient each choice is).

The second part of your problem -- "The .createBuffer method has required and optional arguments" -- isn't well-specified enough to give a sure answer, and will also depend on your choice of language. If your language supports optional arguments and default values, this problem nearly solves itself:

def createBuffer(self, radius, direction="outside")

If you're in Java, you can use reference types and check for null, converting them to default values where necessary. Or even better, try this -- it helps clarify your intention to use nullable types to other programmers!

public void createBuffer(float radius, Optional<Direction> direction) {
    if ( direction.isAbsent() ) {
        direction = new Direction("outside");

As others mentioned, you could also throw the Builder pattern at it, but personally I wouldn't unless I was sure that I needed it, because a single method with a single type signature is simpler and easier to use.