Design Pattern for retry and error handling

dependency-injectiondesign-patternserror handling

I'm trying to find a good design pattern, or perhaps series of patterns, for injecting error handling and retry handling when getting data from a webservice.

For instance, I have:

do {
    //get the data here
    data = Datagetter.getMyData(request)

        //handle error
} while(shouldRetry());

And I am trying to figure out a way to inject the mechanism the discovers and deals with any error, as well as the mechanism that handles how retrying works (should I wait? have I retried enough? should I modify a request parameter? etc).

I would guess I am not the first person faced with this, and there is a way to do this I just haven't discovered yet.

I have looked into chain-of-responsibility and strategy as possible solutions, but I can't seem to quite finagle them to work.

Best Answer

What language are you using? Depending on the language(synchronious, asynchronious) you will have different solutions.

If it is JavaScript, promise is indeed the way to go. Promises in JavaScript

If it is something like C#, you probably don't want to have a loop like you indicated, because you will be blocking the thread. In that scenario, I would look into setting up queuing system in combination with Command Design Pattern:

rabbitMQ | 0mq

Using queue you can send failed messages into the retry queue and retry them in the order they were submitted, potentially with some delay.

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