Premature Abstraction – What Is It?


I've heard the phrase being thrown arround and to me the arguments sound completely insane (sorry if I'm strawmaning here, Its not my intention), generally it goes something along the lines of:

You don't want to create an abstraction before you know what the general case is, otherwise (1) you might be putting things in your abstractions that don't belong, or (2) omitting things of importance.

(1) To me this sounds like the programmer isn't being pragmatic enough, they have made assumptions that things would exist in the final program that doesnt, so they are working with to low of a level of abstraction, the problem isn't premature abstraction, it's premature concretion.

(2) Omitting things of importance is one thing, it's entirely possible something is omitted from the spec that later turns out to be important, the solution to this isn't to come up with your own concretion and waste resources when you find out you guessed wrong, it's to get more information from the client.

We should always be working from abstractions down to concretions as this is the most pragmatic way of doing things, and not the other way around.

If we don't do so then we risk misunderstanding clients and creating things that need to be changed, but if we only build the abstractions the clients have defined in their own language we never hit this risk (at least nowhere near as likely as taking a shot in the dark with some concretion), yes it's possible clients change their minds about the details, but the abstractions they used to originally communicate what they want tend to still be valid.

Here is an example, lets say a client wishes you to create an item bagging robot:

public abstract class BaggingRobot() {
    private Collection<Item> items;

    public abstract void bag(Item item);

We are building something from the abstractions the client used without going into more detail with things we don't know. This is extremely flexible, I've seen this being called "premature abstraction" when in reality it would be more premature to assume how the bagging was implemented, lets say after discussing with the client they want more than one item to be bagged at once. In order to update my class all I need to is change the signature, but for someone who started bottom up that might involve a large system overhaul.

There is no such thing as premature abstraction, only premature concretion. What is wrong with this statement? Where is the flaws in my reasoning? Thanks.

Best Answer

At least in my opinion, premature abstraction is fairly common, and was especially so early in the history of OOP.

At least from what I saw, the major problem that arose was that people read through the typical examples of object oriented hierarchies. They got told a lot about making everything ready to deal with future changes that might arise (even though there was no particularly good reason to believe they would). Another theme common to many articles for a while was things like the platypus, which defies simple rules about "mammals are all like this" or "birds are all like that."

As a result, we ended up with code that really only needed to deal with, say, records of employees, but were carefully written to be ready if you ever hired an arachnid or maybe a crustacean.

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