Design – Single Responsibility Principle Implementation


In my spare time, I've been designing a CMS in order to learn more about actual software design and architecture, etc.

Going through the SOLID principles, I already notice that ideas like "MVC", "DRY", and "KISS", pretty much fall right into place. That said, I'm still having problems deciding if one of two implementations is the best choice when it comes to the Single Responsibility Principle.

Implementation #1:

class User
    // etc...

class UserManager

class Session

class Login

class Logout

class Register

The idea behind this implementation is that all user-based actions are separated out into different classes (creating a possible case of the aptly-named Ravioli Code), but following the SRP to a "tee", almost literally.

But then I thought that it was a bit much, and came up with this next implementation

class UserView extends View
    getLogin //Returns the html for the login screen
    getShortLogin //Returns the html for an inline login bar
    getLogout //Returns the html for a logout button
    getRegister //Returns the html for a register page
    // etc... as needed

class UserModel extends DataModel implements IDataModel
    // Implements no new methods yet, outside of the interface methods
    // Haven't figured out anything special to go here at the moment
    // All CRUD operations are handled by DataModel 
    //   through methods implemented by the interface

class UserControl extends Control implements IControl

class User extends DataObject
    // etc...

This is obviously still very organized, and still very "single responsibility". The User class is a data object that I can manipulate data on and then pass to the UserModel to save it to the database. All the user data rendering (what the user will see) is handled by UserView and it's methods, and all the user actions are in one space in UserControl (plus some automated stuff required by the CMS to keep a user logged in or to ensure that they stay out.) I personally can't think of anything wrong with this implementation either.

In my personal feelings I feel that both are effectively correct, but I can't decide which one would be easier to maintain and extend as life goes on (despite leaning towards Implementation #1.)

So what about you guys? What are your opinions on this? Which one is better? What basics (or otherwise, nuances) of that principle have I missed in either design?

Best Answer

I've always considered the single responsbility principle more of a philosophy than principle.

Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) restates the Single Responsibility Principle (linked to PDF):

There should never be more than one reason for a class to change

Quoted from the reply you got your post.

When we try to appease the SPR, we focus on the implementation rather than on the purpose.

Major mistake.

My understanding of the SRP is this, when an addition blurs the responsibility of an implementation, the focal point should be reconsidered.

For me, it is all about the relationships between purposes.

Sure, a user has to be authenticated and authorized regarding actions to take - but the authentication and authorization should be separated from the user.

It's not like you are going to try to authorize/authenticate a non-user anyway?

And thus, you should consider splitting implementation when the responsibilities of a class outgrows it purpose. After all, design patterns have purposes too.

Take a look at GRASP when you get a chance.