Software Design Methods – Java and Other Programming Languages


I'm junior programmer and I would like to know how professionals write their code or which steps they follow when they are creating new software. I mean, which steps they follow, which programming methodology, software architecture design application software, etc.

Which steps I have to follow from The Idea I have in my mind to the final version of the application in any language. Or perhaps how is your programming steps or rules that you used to follow.

Because every time I want to create the an application I spend few time on the design and a lot of time coding (I know, that's not good).

Best Answer

I would recommend reading a few books to get started.

A general book about the art, craft, and engineering behind software development is The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master. This book talks about everything from dealing with people to tool support for your development. It covers a lot of ground in a very small package, and I even reread this book from time to time. The advice is applicable to everyone in software development, from the programmer through the project manager.

Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules. It's the book used in the process and project management course that I took, and it covers a number of major process models and methodologies, when they apply, and commonly accepted best practices for managing projects. However, like most work, it focuses on team projects as opposed to individuals.

On the coding side, Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction is a recommended read. It focuses on how to write good, clean code, with concepts that apply to a number of languages. The emphasis is on procedural and object-oriented programming, but the advice can be applied to any language or paradigm.

For designing object-oriented software, the classic texts include Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software and Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code. There are a number of books and resources in this field, and a lot of design decisions are driven by the technologies you are using and the requirements of your project. For software system architecture, a classic text is Software Architecture in Practice which discusses topics ranging from architectural views to product line development. That was the book used in my software architectures course, but some professors were using Software Systems Architecture: Working With Stakeholders Using Viewpoints and Perspectives in its place.

However, you can't just read these books. The important thing is to apply what you have read to your projects at work, school, and at home. You can read all you want, but if you don't apply your knowledge, it's meaningless.

On my projects, a lot of what I do is driven by my goals, either in terms of personal development or the requirements of the project. You aren't going to find a one-size-fits-all methodology or process, so the best bet is to look at commonly used best practices, find out what works for you and your team, and learn from mistakes for future projects.

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