Design – When Flowcharts Are Still Valuable and Useful


When I first started programming, I relied heavily on flowcharts (and printer spacing charts). While I was in COBOL class, I couldn't start writing any code until my flowchart was signed off by the instructor. Back then, I had to make flowchart for everything.

Today, twenty-five years later, I find myself only flowcharting two types of things. Very specific algorithms where the logic is tricky or very general concepts to ensure that I get all the big steps defined and in the proper order.

Are there other use cases for flowcharts that I've simply overlooked?

Best Answer


Whenever I'm implementing something that I haven't done before (and the algorithm takes more than a few steps), I'll chart it out. I find that it really forces me to analyze the entire solution at a more atomic level and more thoroughly than if it wasn't charted out. I find that there are three major benefits to this practice:

  • Fewer "oh craps" because I've thought the entire algorithm through
  • Flushes out any potential knock on issues that may occur throughout the rest of the system
  • Allows me to easily walk someone else through the algorithm

The two different occasions where I actually use these are:

  • Low(ish) level algorithms. I mean a very specific solution to a very specific problem. I'll generally pass these by peers prior to implementation.
  • User flow. Not only can I use this to pass by a peer, but I'll also use it to explain (in a very non-technical manner) flow to a usability expert.

Having said all that, I don't produce flowcharts daily (and even when they're done, it's a generally a whiteboard session unless I'm writing a technical design doc).

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