Design – Benefits of Modeling Software Systems vs. Coding


Most, if not all IT people I know believe that it is beneficial to model software with UML or other types of diagrams before coding. (My question is not about UML specifically, it could be any graphical or textual description of the software design.)

I am not so sure about it. The main reason is: Code doesn't lie. It is checked by the compiler or interpreter. It hopefully has automated tests and needs to pass static code analysis. If a module does not interface correctly with another module, it is usually obvious in code because you get an error message.

All of this cannot be done with diagrams and other documents. Yes, there are tools that check UML, but everything I've seen so far is very limited. Therefore these documents tend to be incomplete, inconsistent or simpy false.

Even if the diagrams themselves are consistent, you cannot be sure that the code actually implements them. Yes, there are code generators, but they never generate all of the code.

I sometimes feel like the obsession with modeling results from the assumption that code inevitably has to be some incomprehensible mess that architects, designers or other well-paid people who get the big picture should not have to deal with. Otherwise it would get way too expensive. Therefore all design decisions should be moved away from code. Code itself should be left to specialists (code monkeys) who are able to write (and maybe read) it but don't have to deal with anything else. This probably made sense when assembler was the only option, but modern languages allow you to code at a very high level of abstraction. Therefore I don't really see the need for modeling any more.

What arguments for modeling software systems am I missing?

By the way, I do believe that diagrams are a great way to document and communicate certain aspects of software design but that does not mean we should base software design on them.


The question has been put on hold as being unclear. Therefore let me add some explanation:

I am asking if it makes sense to use (non-code) documents that model the software as the primary source of truth about software design. I do not have the case in mind where a significant portion of the code is automatically generated from these documents. If this was the case, I would consider the documents themselves as source code and not as a model.

I listed some disadvantages of this procedure that make me wonder why so many people (in my experience) consider it as the preferable way of doing software design.

Best Answer

The benefit of modeling software systems vs. all in code is: I can fit the model on a whiteboard.

I'm a big believer in the magic of communicating on one sheet of paper. If I tried to put code on the whiteboard, when teaching our system to new coders, there simply isn't any code at the needed level of abstraction that fits on a whiteboard.

I know the obsession with modeling that you're referring to. People doing things because that's how they've been done before, without thinking about why they're doing it. I've come to call it formalism. I prefer to work informally because it's harder to hide silliness behind tradition.

That doesn't mean I won't whip out a UML sketch now and then. But I'll never be the guy demanding you turn in a UML document before you can code. I might require that you take 5 minutes and find SOME way to explain what you're doing because I can't stand the existence of code that only one person understands.

Fowler identified different ways people use UML that he called UML modes. The dangerous thing with all of them is that they can be used to hide from doing useful work. If you're doing it to code using the mouse, well I've seen many try. Haven't seen anyone make that really work. If you're doing it to communicate you'd better make sure others understand you. If you're doing it to design you damn well better be finding and fixing problems as you work. If everything is going smoothly and most of your time is spent making the arrows look nice then knock it off and get back to work.

Most importantly, don't produce diagrams that you expect to be valid more than a day. If you somehow can, you've failed. Because software is meant to be soft. Do not spend weeks getting the diagrams just right. Just tell me what's going on. If you have to, use a napkin.

That said, I prefer coders who know their UML and their design patterns. They're easier to communicate with. So long as they know that producing diagrams is not a full time job.

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