Design – What do design and implementation mean


The words "design" and "implementation" have been used widely. But I am not sure that I understand them.

  1. What do design and implementation of a computer-related system (e.g.
    a computer system, an OS, a programming language, a DBMS, a software
    program) mean?
  2. Think "design of a system" as a process, is its input the
    requirements of the users of the system, and is its output the user

    Think "implementation of a system" as a process, is its input a
    design of the system, and is its output the system?

  3. What are common in the design for a computer system, an OS, a
    programming language, and a DBMS?

    What are common in the implementation for a computer system, an OS,
    a programming language, and a DBMS?


Best Answer

I wouldn't get too hung up on the terminology. Google has some good definitions:

Design: (search for 'definition of design')


a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is built or made.


decide upon the look and functioning of (a building, garment, or other object), typically by making a detailed drawing of it.

Actual drawings sometimes exist (think flowcharts), but most designs I'm familiar with are typically written descriptions.


the process of putting a decision or plan into effect; execution.

As for your specific questions:

  1. They mean pretty much what the dictionary says they mean. "Designing a thing" means figuring out how it's going to work, possibly what it looks like, etc. "The design" is the output of the process of "Designing a thing". "Implementing a design" means actually doing the work to convert the idea (the design) into something real.
  2. Short answer, "yes". I would substitute "designing a system" for "design of a system" and "implementing a system" for "implementation of a system", but you have the right idea.
  3. If you asked this question by itself, it would be closed as 'too broad' within minutes. The process of designing anything will have common steps including collecting requirements, identifying possible solutions, analyzing those solutions, etc. Likewise, the process of implementing anything will also have certain steps in common including the actual construction, verification that the construction is correct, etc.
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